Monday, October 28, 2013

Halloween and Divination

What do you normally associate with October 31st?

You may conjure up the image of a cold, dark night punctuated with the flicker of flashlight beams preceding shouts of glee from children as they gather sugary loot in their pumpkin-shaped baskets. Or you might picture a grown up party, with friends and family dancing the night away in a range of costumes from the silly to scary to sexy. (Aunt Tilly in fishnets? The horror!) Or maybe you're imagining a night in, cozied up in a cocoon of blankets on the couch and a stack of classic scary movies to watch. Whatever your pleasure, Halloween is definitely a night of spooky good fun!

But did you also know this time of year is perfect for divination?

Halloween can be traced as far back as medieval times. It's an ancient celebration that's rich with tradition and is recognized by many cultures around the world. It marks the end of the "light" half of the year and the beginning of the "dark" days and cold months. It is the night when the veil between our temporal world and the spirit world is thinnest, allowing people to "see" into the ether. People would use this time as an opportunity to honor their loved ones who had passed. Some say our ancestors try to find us on that special night, to give advice or pass messages from beyond. Some families would light candles in the windows to help the spirits find their way. It was also common practice to leave out a plate of food for the departed during the final meal of the day, known as a Dumb Supper.

You might find tarot reading, scrying, rune casting or even simple meditation to be highly effective at this time.

If you're not comfortable doing it yourself, book a reading with a professional for this super-charged, spiritual event!

photo credit: LordFerguson via photopin cc
photo credit: garlandcannon via photopin cc

Thursday, October 10, 2013

Halloween Tarot Parties

It's no secret that here in Suburbia, we like our parties. We throw parties for just about everything. British royalty having a wedding? Pop the champagne! Baby panda delivered at the National Zoo? Print out those panda themed invites! You get the idea. So what to do when a major holiday rolls around?
We go all out.
It's October, which means Halloween is just around the corner and parties everywhere are being planned in great detail. Your to-do list might look something like this:
  • Fake cobwebs? Check.
  • 10,000 pounds of candy? Check. 
  • Recipe for disturbing (and yet, delightfully delicious) Black Widow martinis? Oh yeah, definitely check. ;-)
  • Creative costume worthy of Face Off? Check, check, and check.
But there is something you may have missed.
Have you ever considered having a tarot reader at your party? It's great fun and something your guests aren't likely to forget! I'm available for parties and group events, at an hourly rate. To see if I'm available for YOUR party, send me a message at with your name, the date of your event, and a way to contact you. Please allow 24-48 hours for a response, though I often reply much sooner.
If you like, I'll even wear a costume.
Proof of costume. :-)
Brightest Blessings to you in this season of spooky fun!

photo credit: San Diego Shooter via photopin cc

Friday, October 4, 2013

Being all Social and Stuff!

Hey, guess what? You can now find me elsewhere on the web.

Twitter, for example. :-)

And Facebook, as well. Don't forget to "like" my page!

What social media outlets do you use?